I’m a little stuck in testing our new challenges (daily and weekly) as they have to be live to test but can not be edited afterwards. Is there a way to pause a challenge, edit them then set live again? Also, is there a way to delete retired challenges to keep the dashboard clean?
Hi @Ben,
Once a challenge reaches the TIED
state, certain configurations become locked to ensure its integrity and prevent unintended issues. Unfortunately, there is currently no option to pause a challenge.
On the bright side, it is possible to delete challenges in the TIED
state. However, this functionality is currently only available through Swagger: Admin Delete Tied Challenge.
Feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions!
Excellent! Thank you for the info Damar
I would like to reopen this discussion.
We find the workflow around Challenges super time consuming.
Ok, you can’t edit a ‘live’ challenge, fine, therer’s good tech reasons for this.
Then you would assume the best strategy is to
- always design first unereleased challenge
- duplicate those, and release the duplicate to test
- then based on feedback from tests, modify the ‘base’ version
- repeat
However, there’s a big time sink as currently when you duplicate a challenge you actually duplicate very little, you have to recreate all the goals.
So there’s no process that works with testing, iterating and modifying Challenges that is not very time consuming. I think again AB tackles the big feature, but misses the ‘usage’ part.
Hi @Ploulack,
We understand your concern and agree with you. Our team is currently assessing the best solution to reduce the integration time for the Challenges Service. We’ll provide an update as soon as we have more information.
It would also help greatly to be able to filter Challenges by stat code they use in their goals.