I’m attempting to register players with a Google Play Games token and I get the following error with an invalid/bad request response: no sub in google play access token
As this is coming from Accelbyte could anyone share some light as to what’s missing and where I would need to correct it?
Going through the package code it looks like the Google Play Games interface hasn’t been implemented yet. The nearest equivalent I can find is NullGooglePlayGamesImp which has the following implementation:
public Models.AccelByteResult<SignInGooglePlayGamesResult, Core.Error> GetGooglePlayGamesSignInToken()
var result = new Models.AccelByteResult<SignInGooglePlayGamesResult, Core.Error>();
result.Reject(new Core.Error(Core.ErrorCode.NotImplemented, "AccelByte Google Play Games Extension is not installed. Please contact AccelByte support."));
return result;
Is there an additional package to be installed or is this still in development? The same goes for Apple
Currently we only support integration with Google Play Games 10.14, because 11.01 isn’t supporting external integration.
SDK 16.24.0 has easier mobile integration but we are still working on the documentation. We will back to you as soon as possible, sorry for the inconvenience.
Hitting an error during a build: Packages\accelbyte-unity-sdk-google-play-main\Runtime\AccelByteGooglePlayGamesImp.cs(13,13): error CS0103: The name 'GooglePlayGamesExtension' does not exist in the current context
Additionally the com.accelbyte.UnitySDKGooglePlayGames assembly definition is potentially missing a reference?
None in particular at the moment however the improvements listed here are preferable as they provide a better experience for players.
Additionally, Google have a persistent reputation for sunsetting features and older versions of anything they make with little to no warning, forcing developers to update and in some cases prevent updating apps/games without upgraded features. So for developers it’s a constant battle to keep up to date.
Thank you for sharing your concern @GG_JamesBattersby.
We are aware there’s possibility Google might sunsetting PGS v1 and we are still developing v2 integration.
We will notify you if we have any updates related to this.