I’m facing an issue where I can’t use Apple Sign In to authenticate with Accelbyte nor link with an existing account. Each approach returns the following error:
PlatformInternalServerErrorException:unable to link account: internal server error, userID: 3c2ad87359a948678625a7c531125ff7, details: unable to get platform user ID: invalid aud in apple id token
Hi @GG_JamesBattersby,
It looks like the issue you’re encountering is due to the Apple Service ID
configured in the AccelByte Admin Portal not being included in the allow audience (Apple Service ID) list in your Apple Console settings. You can find more details about this here: Verifying a user | Apple Developer Documentation
Also, it’s a good idea to double-check that the app generating the id_token
uses the same Service ID
specified in the Admin Portal.
Let us know if you’re still encountering the issue!