How to sync purchases from Google Play and App Store

With regards to point 2 (purchasing with real money): is purchasing through Google Play or the Apple App Store implemented? There’s no option for either when mapping items

Hi @GG_JamesBattersby,

To enable purchasing and syncing in-app purchases (IAP) on Google Play and the App Store, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete the Google Play and App Store sections on this page: AccelByte Documentation - 3rd Party Integration.
  2. Create an AccelByte Item and note the SKU value.
  3. Create an In-App Product in both Google Play and the App Store, using the SKU from the AccelByte Item as the Product ID.
  4. Once a user successfully purchases an IAP, the game client must call the sync purchase function to finalize the process.

You can find the Sync Purchase function in the following repositories:

Let us know if you have any further questions!

I have the same question but i wonder if it is also possible with an api endpoint.
Our app is not a game but we use AGS for our gamified parts. The app is built in flutter so we cannot use the unity or unreal sdk. Is there a way to do this without the sdk’s?

Hi @user24,

Yes, you can hit the endpoint directly. Here are the endpoints you can use:

  1. Google Play: /platform/public/namespaces/{namespace}/users/{userId}/iap/google/receipt
  2. Apple: /v2/public/namespaces/{namespace}/users/{userId}/iap/apple/receipt

Let me know if you need further assistance!