Admin portal's menu different between Windows and Mac

The menu of the admin portal shows up differently between Windows and Mac

In Windows, I can see all the menus, as shown below.

But on Mac, I can only see a few menus and also cannot find the namespace menu.

Both are under the same account.
How can I bring back all the menus on Mac?

Hey @chong_chamogames, thanks for this feedback.

The first image is of the Game Namespace Level, while the second one is on the Studio Gamespace Level. Studio Gamespace seems to not have the namespace dropdown appearing.

Could you please try to go to namespaces page by manually going to /admin/namespaces and pick any namespace from it? Would like to see whether the namespace dropdown in the sidebar appears or not.

I’m currently speaking with the web team to see if this is a bug in our end.

Thanks for your quick reply.
I can see all the menus when I manually go to /admin/namespaces and select the namespace.

I guess it was some browser caching issue, as it looks like the web menu has undergone a major change.