Welcome to our community!

Welcome to the AccelByte Community forum! We’re very excited you’ve joined us!

The AccelByte Community forum is intended to be a place where all developers members gather, get official updates from the AccelByte team, and discuss any topics about AccelByte services and of course, the game’s online backend in general!

Forum Guidelines

To get started, please read these guidelines. We strive to provide a welcoming and positive experience for all who participate in the forums and in order to help us achieve that, we expect each of the developer members to comply with these guidelines.

  1. Be respectful and professional in all interactions with other members of the community.
  2. Share knowledge and help others learn and grow as developers.
  3. Do not post or share confidential or proprietary information.
  4. Keep discussions focused on AccelByte products (AccelByte Gaming Services), games online operations, and related topics.
  5. Do not post or share offensive or discriminatory content.
  6. Do not post or share any malicious or harmful code.
  7. Do not advertise or promote any products or services without permission from the community moderators.
  8. Respect for others’ opinions and constructive criticism are appreciated.
  9. Be open to feedback and suggestions for improving the community.

Forum Feedback

We would like to continuously make the forum a better place for all of our developer members. If you have feedback or suggestions on how we can improve the forum, please let us know at Site Feedback!

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