No response when logging in on Android

Hi,When I successfully package to Android, I have not received a successful login feedback.
But I intentionally entered the wrong password and received feedback about the wrong password.
Can you figure out why? I’m normal on unity.
Thank you very much!

Hi @user13,

Can you share the related log privately with me? This will help us investigate the issue more thoroughly.

log.txt (7.1 KB)

I don’t see any login failure in it. If possible, could you share the full log in private message?

I also didn’t receive any login failure messages, so it felt like I was always logged in. :joy:

Yes, please make sure you call the login function, because I don’t see any login log that related to AB.

Also, in your logs, there is a warning message to about deprecation on MultiRegistry. Please migrate it and you can follow this docs: Enable multiple registries support in your game (Unity) | AccelByte Documentation

Okay, I’ll try again after the migration.
Logging in to the unity Editor is normal.

Still no response after the migration.
I found the location of the problem and it has been stuck on amz. Do you know why?

This is really weird, and it’s all OK when the unity editor is running