MM Tool CLI for Extend is 'unauthorised'

I am trying to use the mmtool-cli to test the deployed app in the last step of the documentation.
I think that I have the match and session configurations set up correctly.

This is the command I am running:

mmtool-cli tickets create solo -n supernimbustest -m 1v1 -u 2

This is the config I am using:

polltime: 3
canceltime: 60

#accelbyte sdk vars
abclientid: *******
abclientsecret: *******

#user creation params
userprefix: myUser #this will end up looking like userPrefix – userPrefix203948230hasf8
useremaildomain: #no @ required
userdob: “1985-01-12” #DoB must be over 21 years of age
userpassword: Password1
usercountry: US


  • name: mmr
    minvalue: 40
    maxvalue: 60

This is the result I am getting:

level=error msg=“failed to get a token for myUser0da28e1a83b941d684c171ee1fa4c804: 401 Unauthorized, {"error":"invalid username or password"}”

level=fatal msg=“Name: myUser0da28e1a83b941d684c171ee1fa4c804 ID: 51d5616100f84ef7be2add9e9b665e5e token is empty”

Hello @JamesMcNamara

We are currently taking a look at this issue, will get back to you as soon as we have some clarifications or solution for this issue. Thanks!

Hello again @JamesMcNamara

The team has been checking this and they have applied a hotfix in the environment altogether with an improvement of the MM Tool CLI that can be downloaded in github ( ).

Could you check if it works now?