In P2P multiplayer I have to provide additional data to enable users to connect with each other. A bit like in PlayFab:
In my case it’s not IP but EOS id that’s used with their relay to connect. What way would be the best to achieve that?
Hi @kamyker ,
Just want to confirm. You want to use Foundations matchmaking with EOS P2P relay. Am I correct?
As for specifically about the technical implementation, the team will take a look next week.
Hi everyone,
@vincent_accelbyte yes EOS P2P
@reza thanks but i’m unable to use PatchGameSession bcs of this error/warning:
"errorCode": 20021,
"errorMessage": "Joinability [EMPTY] is invalid",
"name": "InvalidJoinability",
"message": "Joinability [EMPTY] is invalid",
"attributes": {
"joinability": "EMPTY"
Not sure what that means, looks like a web dashboard bug. Tried setting session template joinability to Closed and Open.
Never mind, I have to set all the fields in SessionV2GameSessionUpdateRequest. A bit weird as that means if both players try to update attributes they will overwrite each other. Or am I wrong and only session leader can update it? If so how can I check which user is the leader?
Never mind x2, I see there’s version field in config to prevent overwriting.
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