I have all 3 of the sdk’s setup, and now I am trying to ready my server while connected to AMS Simulator.
I get DS_Connected in the simulator but anytime I try to send a ready or assign a delegate for draining I get a memory access violation error.
Just like the tutorial code I am using
ABSessionInt = StaticCastSharedPtr(Online::GetSessionInterface());
ABSessionInt->SendServerReady(SessionName, FOnRegisterServerComplete::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnSendServerReadyComplete));
or even doing the same but with drain fails.
When looking at the interface coming back I see the IonlineSession but in the delegate list I do not see any related to the server management stuff like the docs show. Any guidance would be great as its the last hurdle for us to get online.
Just to add more information.
[2023.12.27-18.28.55:639][ 0]AccelByteNetUtil: AccelByteNetworkUtilities version: 4.2.7
[2023.12.27-18.28.55:639][ 0]AccelByteNetUtil: AccelByte socket subsystem registered
AMS Sim shows DS Connected but the session interface does not seem to have any of the v2accelbyte session interface which makes me wonder if the defaultengine config
is working
We see that the value of bServerUseAMS=true is at the wrong section [OnlineSubsystemAccelyte]
It should be under [/Script/AccelByteUe4Sdk.AccelByteSettings]