Skill based matchmaking using player stats that differ depending on how they queue

Hello, I understand that we can enable skill based matchmaking by storing stats on the player and then using them in matching rules. However, in our case the stat that we want to use in the matching rules changes depending on which character the player has selected. For example, our stat is not a single “mmr” but N stats that look like this: “mmr_character_a”, “mmr_character_b”, etc. So if you queue as “character_a” and I queue as “character_b” we want to compare your “mmr_character_a” stat against my “mmr_character_b” stat.

How can we best achieve this?


Hello @njupshot, unfortunately, the cross-reference MMR is not currently supported in the matchmaking default logic. So, “mmr_character_a” and “mmr_character_b” will be treated as different stats for comparison. What we can do at the moment is to utilize the “Extend Override” for adding the custom logic to support this use case. e.g

  1. By using extend function override, we can override the ticket enrichment part, get the appropriate MMR for a character, and convert it to just MMR to be used with our matchmaker. There would be a custom identifier (attributes) in the match ticket to indicate which character’s MMR that will be used.
  2. Or we can also override the matchmaker function itself to do a custom matchmaking logic to support this.

Awesome, thank you for the clarificastion @aditioan