Hi there,
Hope this is the right place to have this topic.
The idea of Extend feature is really cool.
I am starting with the doc(Getting started with the service extension | AccelByte Documentation) and got an issue which is really bothering me.
It is like this.
When I run the C# template and tested the gRPC API, I got this error log:
"code": 13,
"message": "Status(StatusCode=\"PermissionDenied\", Detail=\"Permission ADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:CLOUDSAVE:RECORD [Create] is required.\")",
"details": []
In the readme doc, it said:
> :info: Make sure the user has a role which contains this permission:
I had a check on my account. It has the role of the game studio and the game admin.
And I had a check on the IAM client. It has all the permission as the doc, the shared cloud part:
Create an OAuth Client with confidential client type containing the following permissions:
For AGS Private Cloud customers:
For AGS Shared Cloud customers:
IAM > Roles (Read)
Basic > Namespace (Read)
Cloud Save > Game Records (Create, Read, Update, and Delete)
But the extend app on the cloud works fine. I followed the rest the doc, built the image and got it run on the cloud and verified.
So the issue would be the extend app can’t be run on the local env for a shared subscription.
I hope it is not as the designed.
Because the developer need to test and debug a lot before all the logic is steady.
You know, for every changes, I have to build a image and upload it to the cloud and I can’t debug it.
It is really upset.
So please please tell me that there is something wrong with my config or somewhere else.