RegisterV2 Validation Error

Hi, I working on this RegisterV2 and it return me ValidationError that has been deduce from Result.Error.Code.

The thing that I inputted is :

       user.Registerv2(emailInputField.text, usernameInputField.text, passwordInputField.text, displayNameInputField.text, "US", System.DateTime.Now, RegisterCallback);

Is there anything wrong in here? Also, in case the setup for SDKConfig :

  "Default": {
    "Namespace": "GameTitle",
    "UsePlayerPrefs": true,
    "EnableDebugLog": true,
    "DebugLogFilter": "Log",
    "BaseUrl": "",
    "RedirectUri": "",
    "AppId": "",
    "PublisherNamespace": "StudioName"

is there any setup that is incorrect? Thanks!


ValidationError error is caused by incorrect username, password, display name or password. Could you please make sure that the inputted fields follow these rules:


  • Min length 3, max length 48
  • Allow alphanumeric, underscores and dashes
  • Spaces is not allowed
  • Start and end with alphanumeric


  • password must contain between 8 to 32 characters
  • Contain at least 3 of following 4 types of characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, special characters
  • No more than 2 equal characters in a row

display name:

  • Min length 8, max length 32
  • only contain uppercase and lowercase letters, spaces, special characters
  • start and end with alphanumeric

email address:

  • Min length 3, max length 256
  • only contain alphanumeric, at, dot, underscores, dashes, plus, ampersand, and wildcard
  • start and end with alphanumeric

ah yes, I think the problem is because of password is less than 8 and does not contains lowercase etc. Thank you!